Lion, The Movie with Re-evaluation ......
"26th Feb was just another Sunday for me. Patients, extractions, giving advises and all. But the equation and slot divisions were changed for a purpose and decided to go for a movie, LION.
Trailer showed the same formula of Slumdog Millionaire only difference was, instead of old love here the Hero was looking for his mother. The first eye catcher came when the Name Nawazuddin Siddiqi appeared on screen and expectations grew from the movie.
The first 60 seconds of the movie showed aerial views of some rough, stony landscapes with different shades of brown-yellow. My expectations about the movie were same as the drought like landscapes. But truth came like that proverb, 'never judge a book by its cover.'
Lets shut the door of my thoughts and go through the movie.
Oh yes! it was the first half of the movie that will involve all the corners of your mind to cherish the frame by frame transitions. Affection of brother, love from a mother, childish innocence, dreams to bigger things. everything was there.
'Guddu, mujhe jalebi khana hai' young Saroo was asking his elder brother in front of a sweet shop. Unable to buy the desired wish, Guddu, didn't gave up. Instead he provokes his brother for a bigger dream for later when they will be able to buy all of those sweets.
"Ekdin pura dukan kharid lenge."
There was another scene where young Saroo was lifting heavy weight objects to prove he is able to join his brother in work. That's the beginning of unusual life. Getting lost from his brother at a railway station Saroo reaches Kolkata. Struggling through the hunger, predators and perverts he managed to escape his life as a free kid on the streets. Eventually guided by a kind man (Played by Ridhhi Sen) to the police station and beginning of a new journey. From the 'Home' in kolkata to a new 'Home' in Australia Saroo's life changed as if he was privileged by God's grace. From no where to a better life, viewers become the part of the journey.
Young Saroo (played by Sunny Pawar) was the only stake in the movie where the viewers bet their all concentration in the pot. This movie was more like a Chaplin film. All was in the act and expressions, dialogues were just those captions coming in between shots to give us the conclusion. The 'spoon' scene between Sunny and Riddhi, showed the contrast of hunger and luxury of having food. The scene where another street kid offered a board to Saroo for sleep at the subway showed us how same fate gives us friendship unconditionally.
After getting adopted by Australian wealthy parents (Played by Nicole Kidman and David Wenham) Saroo crossed his 25 years of life. The appearance of adult Saroo (Played by Dev Patel) started as he surfaced from the sea and by looking at his perimeter drifted towards the shore and the scene goes on. It was very appreciable to portrait the scene in such a way that gives us clue to regulate our brain and guess the life in between. Eventually Saroo gets an opportunity for higher studies and there met other Indian students. At a party he found his old childhood desire "jalebi" in the kitchen, and every bit of his memory flashed back. Screenplay writer Luke Davis must be appreciated as he brought back Saroo's elder brother through visions. Emotions poured in when "Guddu" was taking foods from the waste.
Overwhelmed by the script and cinematography I forgot to notice that about 600 seconds of the film was framed in kolkata, and it was difficult to differentiate that I was watching a Hollywood movie. I also skipped to notice that conversations were carried out in Bengali.
"ভাবতে পারছি না আমার ভাষা একটা Hollywood movieতে।" her whispers let me notice the beauty. Yes it was my language in a Hollywood film.
It is really a great movie to watch.
Director Garth Davis has successfully showed his ability and increased our expectations onward.
If your eyes are going through drought then this movie can quench the thirst of your eyes for sure at the drought belt of Khandwa. And don't miss the end part, as it will give the reason behind selection of such name "Lion". And the song "Never give up" concluded the movie well enough.
Thanks to her for this reference. My investment of 2 hours from the schedule was not wasted.
Thank you.
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